Pentingnya Kesadaran Hukum, Nabila Dan Ellin

  Minggu, 31 Mei 2020 - 07:02:10 WIB   -     Dibaca: 643 kali

Tulisan milik Nabila Farahdila Putri, Ellin Vionia dan Tomy Micael yang berjudul Pentingnya Kesadaran Hukum Dan Peran Masyarakat Indonesia Menghadapi Penyebaran Berita Hoax Covid-19 dimuat dalam Volume 11 Nomor 1, April 2020: (98-111)|Media Keadilan: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Unmuh Mataram. Secara garis besar hasilnya yaitu there are a lot of news about corona virus, even in this condition there are still many hoaxes or fake news events. With current technological developments, the spread of hoax news is very easy to occur through social media, namely the internet. In this journal the focus is on the problem of spreading false news related to covid-19 and the role of the public in fighting hoax news with digital literacy. This research method uses empirical research methods and content analysis related to hoax news dissemination. The purpose of this study explains the efforts to the public to deal with hoax news related to covid-19 with digital literacy. The novelty of the research in this study the researcher connects public awareness with legal responsibility for the perpetrators of hoax news dissemination. The results of this study, show that literacy culture through articles, YouTube makes it easier for people to identify hoax news. Digital literacy culture is a solution to avoid hoax news. Then the importance of the role of the community in facing the spread of hoax news so as not to harm themselves and others legally and socially.

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